CBD Kratom 101


CBD vs CBG: Understanding the Differences and S...

When it comes to the hundreds of cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, CBD (cannabidiol) and CBG (cannabigerol) are two of the most well-known. Both CBD and CBG have gained...

CBD vs CBG: Understanding the Differences and S...

When it comes to the hundreds of cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, CBD (cannabidiol) and CBG (cannabigerol) are two of the most well-known. Both CBD and CBG have gained...

Cannabis in America

A Brief History of Cannabis in America

Cannabis is a plant rich with history and diverse uses, and has been cultivated in America for centuries. The origins can be traced back to its introduction by early settlers...

A Brief History of Cannabis in America

Cannabis is a plant rich with history and diverse uses, and has been cultivated in America for centuries. The origins can be traced back to its introduction by early settlers...

Jerry Garcia Wellness

Brands we love: Jerry Garcia Wellness

“Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right.” Truer words have never been written—or sung. While the Grateful...

Brands we love: Jerry Garcia Wellness

“Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right.” Truer words have never been written—or sung. While the Grateful...

The Difference Between Dabs, Tinctures & Oils

The Difference Between Dabs, Tinctures & Oils

Cannabis consumption continues to evolve, with various methods and products now available to cater to different personal preferences. Dabs, tinctures, and oils are all popular options that offer unique benefits...

The Difference Between Dabs, Tinctures & Oils

Cannabis consumption continues to evolve, with various methods and products now available to cater to different personal preferences. Dabs, tinctures, and oils are all popular options that offer unique benefits...

Top 5 FAQs- Kratom

Top 5 FAQs- Kratom

cbd1. What is Kratom? Kratom, also known as mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical evergreen tree in the same family as the coffee plant. Similar to how caffeine is a major...

Top 5 FAQs- Kratom

cbd1. What is Kratom? Kratom, also known as mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical evergreen tree in the same family as the coffee plant. Similar to how caffeine is a major...

Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC

Decoding Delta: The Differences, Similarities, ...

There are more than 100 cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. The most recognizable, perhaps, are THC and CBD. THC is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. Within the...

Decoding Delta: The Differences, Similarities, ...

There are more than 100 cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. The most recognizable, perhaps, are THC and CBD. THC is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. Within the...