beeZbee CBD Peach Tea Seltzer

Products We Love: beeZbee CBD Peach Tea Seltzer

At CBD Kratom, summer is more than merely a season; it’s a state of mind, and refreshment has no time limits. That’s why we love the beeZbee CBD Peach Tree Seltzer. Even in the middle of a polar vortex, this delicious, bubbly, nano-emulsified CBD seltzer transports you to warmer days.

beeZbee CBD Peach Tea Seltzer

What is CBD?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis and one of more than 100 chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant, known as cannabinoids. Extracted from the hemp plant, CBD is one of the most well-known cannabinoids because of its wide range of benefits and ability to help other cannabinoids interact effectively with the endocannabinoid system. Research indicates that CBD may provide powerful pain relief as well as potentially decreasing inflammation, alleviating stress, and aiding in sleep.

What is Nano-emulsion?

Nano-emulsification is a technique that breaks liquid particles into tiny droplets on a nanoscale. This technology has revolutionized the bioavailability and effectiveness of cannabis products. Nano-emulsion occurs when cannabis oil is processed to absorb into microscopic water particles. This process enhances the bioavailability and effectiveness of the cannabinoid, allowing the body to absorb 90-99%, the only type of product that boasts this level of bioavailability, allowing for faster and more efficient absorption into the body.

Why we love the beeZbee CBD Peach Tea Seltzer

Blending the potential benefits of CBD with a refreshing flavor profile makes this seltzer easy to love. beeZbee CBD Peach Tea Seltzer is a convenient, tasty way to take the sting out of winter, and add to your wellness routine. Whether you’re on the go, or just relaxing with friends, the beeZbee CBD Peach Tea Seltzer makes it easy to live well.

beeZbee CBD Peach Tea Seltzer

Let CBD Kratom be your guide

Stop by one of our 60+ locations throughout Chicago, Dallas, Houston, New York City, Philadelphia, and St. Louis, and take the sting out of winter. You can also shop online and schedule some one-on-one time with one of our experts from the comfort of your home.

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