Working Out with Kratom: The Potential Benefits - Shop CBD Kratom

Working Out with Kratom: The Potential Benefits

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tree-like plant that belongs to the coffee family and is grown throughout Southeast Asia. Its leaves...

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tree-like plant that belongs to the coffee family and is grown throughout Southeast Asia. Its leaves have been used historically for various purposes including alleviating symptoms commonly associated with chronic pain and serving as an energy booster.

While the potential therapeutic benefits of kratom have been explored in length, the potential fitness enhancements it may offer has yet to be fully grasped. 

In this article, we aim to explore the potential benefits of including Kratom in your fitness regimen. This includes uses as a pre-workout, stimulating supplement, as well as a post-workout recovery aid.

What is Kratom Used For?

Traditional uses for kratom date back centuries in Eastern Asian medicine, where it was commonly used for pain management and increased energy by farmers and locals. More modern uses for kratom include energy boosts, pain relief, decreased anxiety and enhanced relaxation. 

Kratom typically takes effect within 10 minutes and can last up to five hours. At higher doses, kratom can often act as an alternative option to aid pain, anxiety and sedation. At lower doses, users report increases in energy, sociability, and alertness.

Using Kratom as a Pre-Workout Supplement

Given its potential in increasing energy and focus, Kratom may offer many benefits as a pre-workout supplement. For example, one can add it to their pre-workout mix, or partake in a kratom edible/drink before they begin their workout. 

Here are some potential strains to check out for a potential boost in energy:

Dark Green Borneo

This kratom strain is dried longer than traditional Green Borneo and therefore may provide stronger effects of energy, focus and elevation.

Green Dragon

Green Dragon is a popular green strain and it may provide increased energy, serenity, and strong elevating effects. It’s a top choice for easing physical discomfort.

Super Indo

Super Indo is known for its potential mood-enhancing and pain-relieving properties. It may provide a strong boost of energy, an elevated mood, and a sense of physical comfort.

Kratom for Post Workout Recovery and Pain Management

Kratom activates receptors in the brain and endorphin system, so its benefits as a natural pain reliever have been researched at length. Here are some recommended strains to check out to enhance your post-workout recovery:

Dark Brown Bantuagie

Dark Brown Bantuagie is dried for a lengthy period of time and therefore it may provide elevated effects, such as tranquility, relaxation and mood elevation.

Red Horned Maeng Da

This Horned kratom strain is an aged Red Maeng Da. It may provide a strong sense of tranquility coupled with even stronger pain relief. It’s an ideal daytime red, providing potential relaxation without being overly sedative.

Green Borneo

Known for its potential strong focus-enhancing properties, Green Borneo may provide the ability to concentrate, energize, and relieve pain simultaneously.

Shop CBD Kratom’s Entire Selection of Kratom Powder & Capsules

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